The schooling structure for the delivery of curriculum at Gregory Terrace is the product of extensive research, development and innovation into educational best practice for young men. The College Leadership Team is continually accessing the best research available to develop and improve fundamental educational methods and systems as well as our facilities to provide our teachers with the best resources and students with the best learning opportunities.
Our structure aims to support the unique characteristics and challenges our students confront at different stages of their growth and development as young men. The structure of the College is:
- Lower Middle School - Years 5 and 6
- Middle School - Years 7 and 8
- Waterford Place - Year 9
- Senior Schooling - Years 10, 11 and 12
For many the Gregory Terrace journey begins in Lower-Middle School as students are introduced to the strong, inclusive culture, spirit, values and opportunities offered by a Terrace education. These are important, formative years in which we seek to develop good learning habits to help our students become independent, confident learners in an atmosphere of friendship, fun and improvement.
Terrace Middle Schooling acknowledges the physical, emotional and spiritual growth of young men in Years 7 and 8. Achieving the Middle Schooling goals involves developing multi-literacy skills through cross-curricular enrichment; incorporating a balance between student-centred, enquiry-based approaches to teaching and learning and traditional teacher-directed instruction and developing complex reasoning processes and higher order thinking skills.
Waterford Place is a Year 9-specific place of learning and development that recognises the special needs of adolescence and strives to provide opportunities for young men to become independent learners through rich, innovative and rigorous curricular and co-curricular experiences within our faith community. The Rite Journey program supports the formation of Year 9 students in their time at Waterford Place. The Waterford experience prepares students for their Senior years.
The Senior School years are the culmination of our student’s time and experience at Gregory Terrace and the beginning of the formal tertiary entrance testing process. It is the period in which the benefits are truly realised from strong learning habits formed in the early years. It is a time for student leadership, for leading by example and for preparing for life beyond Terrace as young men who seek to make a difference through knowledge, humility and wisdom.