Captains’ Corner | Vice Captain, Angus White

Last Friday’s Swimming Carnival served like it always does, as a fantastic opportunity to galvanise friendships within the House, as well as to contest Inter-House rivalries. After a hot 31 degree day, with hundreds of boys packed into the grandstands at Centenary Pool, Barrett House won the spoils for 2019. 

I think most of Barrett’s success can largely be attributed to the spirit of their Senior cohort who supported every year group with passion and encouragement. Patrick Monckton deserves special praise. Pat spent the majority of his day not only encouraging boys at the starting blocks, but he stood beside the younger kids, walking the length of the 50m pool all day. Pat’s unsung efforts were matched by many loyal and enthusiastic Seniors participating for their last time in a memorable and enjoyable College event.

Another proud moment was to witness Charlie Condon’s (Year 12 Buckley) contribution during the Year 7 50m freestyle race. During the race, the pressure of the day got to one of the students participating. Despite the student being from a different House, Charlie instinctively dived into the pool and swam alongside the student for the entire 50m, offering encouragement and pushing him along. Pat and Charlie, along with many others last Friday, lived up to the adage that without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community. They exemplified the best of the school motto, All In. 

The Swimming Carnival is a great community event. We wish the swimming team selected all the very best at the GPS Championships in a few weeks. Term 1 activities, not just Swimming, are well and truly in full swing – Cricket, Rowing, Debating and Volleyball. All fantastic opportunities to get involved and truly go All In.