Dean of Identity | Mr Charles Brauer

“Spirit of Service”
The recent Parent Information Nights, staff meetings and College Assemblies have provided our Identity team with the opportunity to share with our Terrace Family the array of Service Ministry opportunities available to our Terracians. Each opportunity is an integral feature of our Terrace Gentleman Formation program (as outlined in the below Formation Spiral), designed to provide our young men with an avenue to develop the 'spirit of service' that our College Mission calls them to.

Participation in the below programs is strongly encouraged. Already, various staff have been in contact with your sons to invite their participation. Key staff for programs are listed below:

  • Big Brekky: Mr Chris Zammit
  • Sustainability at Terrace: Mr Chris Zammit
  • Edmund Rice Advocacy: Mr Andrew Stormonth
  • Year 5 and 6 opportunities: Mr Brendan Ganley
  • Year 10 opportunities: Mr Luke Gribble
  • House Friendships: Relevant House Dean

The Good News of Terrace: Kolega Café opens its doors on Friday morning