Principal’s Message | Dr Michael Carroll

Dear members of the Terrace Family,

At the Academic Assembly on Tuesday, 337 young men were presented with Academic Medals in recognition of their academic achievements in Semester 2 2018.  These young men worked very hard to gain these excellent results and I congratulate each of them for this.  I also wish to acknowledge the efforts of the teachers and the parents who supported, guided and nurtured these young men last year – thank you.  The key to success at Terrace is the strong partnership between staff, parents and students.

Keeping with the academic theme, I was privileged to attend the QCAA Achievement Awards on Saturday, where 30 of Queensland’s top Year 12 students from 2018 were presented with an award.  Terrace was very well represented with Ben Panizza, Dom Previtera and Tom Waldie receiving awards. This was an outstanding effort from these young men, their families and our College and further reinforced the strong ‘Culture of Learning’ that permeates throughout Terrace. Congratulations to Ben, Dom and Tom.

Finally on the academic theme, in The Sunday Mail on 17 February, details of the 2018 OP results were published.  Much of the data pertaining to Terrace has already been communicated to our community.  However, to be ranked number five in Queensland with 49% of the cohort receiving an OP 1-5 is further recognition of how well the 2018 cohort performed.  Well done gentlemen.

Last Friday, the first of the Inter-House championships was held with the Swimming Carnival at Centenary Pool.  Thank you to all involved in staging this successful event.  It was another excellent example of the Terrace Family in action.  Congratulations and thank you to the staff involved, the House Deans, and in particular, the Year 12 students from each House.  Congratulations to Barrett House for winning the carnival.

The GPS Season continues with many boys involved each weekend.  Congratulations to our debaters who recorded a successful round against Nudgee College, winning 13 out of 16 debates, including the Senior A team.  Well done gentlemen.

The Parent Information Evenings have now concluded.  I thank the parents for attending, the TLG for their hospitality, and in particular, the College Leadership Team for their support of these evenings.  I trust the nights were of assistance to you in gaining an insight into the year ahead for your sons.

Late last week, Mr Chris Ryan’s father had a bad fall resulting in serious injuries including a broken hip. Chris’s dad will be hospitalised for some time. As a result of this accident and the need to relocate his father and brother into their new accommodation, Chris will need to be on leave for the remainder of the term, as of this Friday. Mr Damien Fall will assume the role of Deputy Principal, as well as retaining the role of Dean of Communication. To assist with this change, a number of duties normally undertaken by Chris will be distributed to other members of the CLT. 

I take this opportunity to wish Chris all the best in this difficult time and know that your good wishes go with him.

Finally this week, on Monday night I attended the annual GPS Music Showcase where students and staff from the nine member schools combined to perform some outstanding music.  Congratulations to the Terrace students and staff who were involved.  Our Director of Culture, Mr Matt Cocking, was Chair of the organising committee.  Well done Matt.

Have a great week.
God Bless.

Dr Michael Carroll
College Principal