Deputy Principal | Mr Damien Fall

Recent days have seen many examples of the wonderful partnership that exists between the College and home. The value of this relationship cannot be underestimated. Last Friday at a packed UQ Centre, we saw a huge number of family members in attendance as we inducted the Senior class of 2020. Behind the scenes, parents of our current Year 11 students arranged and supplied the hospitality before and after the Mass. Archbishop Coleridge, in his homily, spoke of leadership as a form of self-sacrifice; Jesus is the ultimate example of such sacrifice. His Grace did an excellent job of connecting the concepts of sacrifice and leadership to the rather morbid story of John the Baptist losing his head. As a College, we are grateful for the many small (and sometimes large) sacrifices that our parents and caregivers regularly make to ensure the smooth running of the College and a memorable experience for our young men. 

Similarly, the Terrace journey is enhanced for the Terrace Family by the sacrifices our caring staff regularly make. On Wednesday evening, a large number of parents and caregivers accepted our invitation to spend a short time with their son’s PC Mentor. These meetings are a classic example of the student/staff/parent partnership that so greatly benefits all parties. Thank you to all for the sacrifices you make and for continuing to work with us.

This year has seen us welcome around a dozen new teaching staff to Terrace, and it has been my pleasure to work closely with the newest batch of Terrace educators. As it is for students, starting at Terrace as a teacher can be a daunting experience. Often, change causes us some discomfort as we learn new people, systems and processes. I have been pleased by the positive reports from our new teachers about the warm reception they have received from peers, students and their families. We look forward to the contribution of these teachers as they go about their important roles. 

The contribution of our teachers was summed up by 2019 College Dux James Hurst at this week’s Scholars’ Assembly. We were honoured by the presence of His Excellency, Governor of Queensland, Paul de Jersey, who heard James:

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning in the room next to GT125…. from about 7.45 there is math tutoring. There, teachers like Mr Covill, Ms Lather and Ms Meinecke, among others, selflessly give up their mornings to diligently assist anyone who walks through the doors. The teachers there don’t ask for thanks, nor let it stop them from staying back and helping after class, their patience seemed to be endless. This attitude is by no means limited to the Math Department; Tuesday and Thursday morning happens hundreds of times every week at Terrace, without which these 18 scholars wouldn’t be here with me. So, to our teachers, we say thank you.

Thank you to James for a nicely worded and fitting tribute to our teaching staff. All the best to everyone as we finish Week 3 of the term.