Dean of Waterford | Mr Luke Gribble

As Week 7 approaches, one of the key messages I will deliver to the boys at Waterford Place is that they will need to make a quick transition from an assignment focus to an exam focus. With drafts and assignments due over the following week and exams not far away, this transition needs to be well planned. 

There is excellent evidence to support the correlation between an early start to the revision process and positive outcomes from upcoming exams. If the boys start the revision process too late and then try to cram for exams, this becomes quite stressful and often produces frustration, anxiety and disappointing results. 

At the start of the term, every Year 10 boy was given a Checklist booklet that highlights what will be assessed and this allows them to work through every learning goal across each of the subjects being examined. The next few weeks will be a busy period for the Year 10s, but we are only a few weeks away from the Easter break, so they need to maintain the momentum.

One area of concern currently at Waterford is the obvious fatigue levels amongst many boys in the cohort. I observe the boy’s engagement in the Edmund Rice Theatre during College Assembly as well as at other presentations and get feedback from teachers in classrooms. There are far too many Year 10 boys falling asleep during the school day. Many boys are not getting enough sleep to be able to be alert and functioning at their best at school. I am aware that many boys have early starts for co-curricular activities, but this should not come at the expense of being able to function through the day. Many of the boys that are struggling to stay awake had no training in the morning.

This Friday night, the Year 10 boys will support the GPS Swimming team at Chandler. The boys will have plenty to cheer for with some elite talent in the pool. I thank Samuel Allen, Conor Foxlee,Felix Lewis and Xavier Stiles for volunteering to lead the Years 5 and 6 Terrace boys through the Junior program in the morning and then backing up for the Senior event well into the night. Next week brings another championship event with the culmination of the Rowing season at the Head of the River. 

Best wishes to all our rowers.