Deputy Principal | Mr Damien Fall

Sincere thanks to the large number of parents who completed surveys following our parent information evenings at the commencement of the year. We received a considerable amount of feedback, much of which will be used as we attempt to review and refine these evenings. We are blessed to have the level of parent engagement we enjoy, and we want such evenings to be the best possible use of parent time and a worthwhile experience. The College Leadership Team has had the opportunity to view and discuss the survey data and we have taken some valuable advice, so once again, thank you for your attendance at the evenings and for your feedback.

This Sunday is International Women’s Day and it calls to mind the important role that female staff play in our schools. Every interaction a student has with an adult is an opportunity for the formation of the young man. Our boys need regular interaction with and the influence of strong women, and we are fortunate that our students are taught, led, cared for and, when necessary, challenged by the wonderful women on our teaching and non-teaching staff. It is equally important that adult males in the school role-model respectful, appropriate masculinity. 

Australian Bureau of Statistics data in the graph below clearly indicates the important role female teachers play in schools nation-wide. It is fair to say that education in Australia employs a high proportion of female teaching staff.

Single-sex schools invariably have a teacher gender balance that sees a higher proportion of their staff of the same gender as the students. At Terrace, we have approximately 45% female and 55% male teachers, which is comparable to many boys’ schools and allows students a wide variety of formative interactions with staff. Boys’ schools like ours still have a way to go in terms of women in senior leadership, but there has been clear progress since the early days when the College’s teaching staff were virtually all male. The Terrace Gentlemen are fortunate to enjoy the influence of our dedicated staff and we especially thank the women who have chosen a vocation in education. Our young men need you.

The thoughts and prayers of the Terrace Family are with Mr Will Marshall, our Head of Faculty: Languages, at a very sad time. Far too young, Will’s brother Michael sadly lost his battle with cancer late last week, leaving behind a young family. May perpetual light shine on Michael and may he rest in peace. It is sometimes easy to forget what is most important in life and tragedies such as this hopefully help us to remember what is most important to us. In the Lenten season, we pray for the wisdom to appreciate our good fortune and many gifts. 

Best wishes to all in the Terrace Family.