Director of Music | Mr Jan Hewerdine

Congratulations to the Fanfare team under the direction of Mr Brad Esbsensen, for their performance at the Swimming Presentation Assembly on Tuesday. 

A huge call out to our musicians and singers who performed so ably at last Thursday’s Chamber Concert in the Edmund Rice Theatre. The standard was uniformly high, especially considering how early in the year this performance comes up.

Apple and Grape Festival

This Saturday sees musicians drawn from the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, the Black Concert Band and the Red Thunder Drumline performing as a marching band at Stanthorpe, for the Apple and Grape Festival. Along with the Marching Band rehearsals in the term break (Tuesday and Wednesday 14/15 April) this event provides an opportunity to galvanise our collective marching skills.

If any students are leaving the program, parents/caregivers need to notify the Music department two weeks prior to the end of term (Thursday 26 March).


Music at Terrace uses a Microsoft Office platform called OneNote. This software provides us the ability to keep attendance rolls and diary notes for instrumental plus Speech and Drama lessons. The students are provided a link via email (sent 31 January).
Students need to click on this link to access their OneNote file. This also allows parents the chance to see what students are working on. 

Instrument theft

Theft of instruments is a common problem, either from bag racks or unsecured lockers.

  • If you play either flute, clarinet or oboe, please keep your instrument in your school bag
  • If you play trumpet, trombone, euphonium, alto/tenor saxophone, bassoon, violin, viola or cello, please store these instruments at the start of the day in room MU2, which is located in the Music Centre. The shelving is clearly marked.
  • Please refrain from using your classroom bag racks (and walkways) to store your instruments. The chances of the instrument being stolen are high.
  • Additionally, we ask that you do not leave your instrument in the walkways of the Music Centre.

Terrace App

A reminder that the Terrace App is used to store and disseminate information such as the Music and Speech and Drama handbooks, the weekly rehearsal schedule and event memos for performances. There will still be some information found on the College website, but it will be of a more general nature. 

Performance and workshop notifications are emailed via Parent Lounge and will be used to ascertain who will be attending performances and for roll marking. Could I ask that you respond promptly to these notifications as we use this information, among other things, to generate rolls and book transport (when applicable). 

Please keep in mind that it is expected that all members of an ensemble participate in all performances, but we understand that from time to time there may be circumstances that prevent attendance. If you are declining a performance, could you also please inform the ensemble director and cc 

Finally, as these notices only go out to parents, could you please discuss the event with your son to ensure that he has the details entered in his calendar. You and he will be able to view the Event Memo via the Terrace App. Links to Parent Lounge will be mentioned in this Terrace News article as they become available. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Music Department

A full list of each term’s events are included at the end of this article and will be updated as required. This list will contain a basic outline of each event with more detailed information being sent directly to those involved via the Parent Lounge.

Term 1 events

  • Saturday 7 March - Stanthorpe Apple and Grape Festival 
  • Tuesday 17 March - TPA Meeting 
  • Friday 27 March - Terrace Jazz Night 
  • Tuesday and Wednesday 14/15 April - ANZAC Day rehearsals 

Term 2 events

  • Saturday 25 April - ANZAC Day
  • Wednesday 6 – Saturday 9 May  - College Musical School of Rock
  • Friday 29 – Sunday 31 May - SHEP Middle School
  • Sunday 7 June - Norman Clarke Concert
  • Tuesday 9 June 5.30pm - TPA Meeting
  • Monday 22 June - Percussion Ensembles 2 and 3 Workshop
  • Tuesday 23 June - Big Band 3 Workshop
  • Monday 6 July - Big Band 2 Workshop
  • Monday 6 July - Terrace Jazz Combo Workshop
  • Monday 6 July - Terrace Jazz Orchestra Workshop