Principal’s Message | Dr Michael Carroll

Dear Members of the Terrace Family,

As we near the end of the first week of March, it is timely to remember that amongst the busyness of the school year, the successful balance between study, co-curricular, family and social time is very important.  At Terrace, there is a strong focus on participation as well as the academic journey.  Balancing these aspects of College life is challenging at times but effort to do so needs to be ongoing.  The College provides several different forums where the students are reminded of the need to have balance within their lives.  The College also provides several opportunities for supporting the student’s academic journey, including staff tutoring, study hall, Friday roll call and the provision of checklists for all subjects across the various year levels.  Working in partnership with students, staff and parents is key to establishing and maintaining the sense of balance that is needed.  If you have concerns regarding this aspect of your son’s journey at Terrace, I encourage you to contact the relevant staff. 

This Friday night, Terrace swimmers will be involved in the GPS Swimming Championships at Chandler.  Our swimmers have been working very hard and will be very competitive tomorrow.  My thanks to the many coaches and parents who have assisted with the program this year and I wish all our swimmers the very best on Friday.

I thank the many parents who continue to drive carefully around the streets near school.   The safety of the many boys crossing streets, both in the morning and the afternoon is paramount, and your support in keeping them safe is critical. Unfortunately, there are still a small number of drivers parking across our neighbour’s driveways, stopping in the street for drop off/pick up and doing U-turns in Rogers Street.  Some of our neighbours are becoming increasingly frustrated with these parking behaviours and have indicated they have contacted Council, who will be monitoring and booking drivers in breach of traffic laws.  Please assist by being aware of and following all applicable traffic rules. Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Finally this week, I draw your attention to two presentations being hosted by the College over the coming weeks - Game Quitters and Sleep Connection. These events will form part of a suite of presentations for both students and parents/caregivers examining issues that impact on young people.  I encourage your involvement in these and other presentations that the College continues to organise.  Details of both these presentations may be found on the College App.

Have a great week.
God Bless,

Dr Michael Carroll
College Principal