Terrace Ladies Group

TLG Welcome Mass - Parents and Sons

On Tuesday 3 March TLG Welcome Mass was held in the Chapel of the Holy Family. For the many mothers, sons and grandparents who attend I would like to say 'thank you' for sharing in this extraordinary morning. I know you all went away with either goose bumps and or a tear in the eye after mass. I would like to thank Fr Gerard Hall and all those behind the scenes who made the mass possible. The Terrace Choir under the direction of Mrs Bernadette Debattista were accompanied by Mr Brad Esbenson on trumpet and this year the Waterford String Quartet also joined us with Ms Amy Phillips. 

The message of the day was to be more loving, gentle, forgiving and thoughtful in our actions, reminding us that our actions are what connects us all. 

GT145 Ball – Chance to Win a table for 10

This year will mark our College’s 145-year Anniversary. In celebration, the TLG will  hold an Anniversary Ball on 6 June 2020 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. 

Excitement is mounting with tickets going on sale next Thursday 12 March at 9am.  Wouldn’t it be great to shout your friends to the Ball? This week is your last chance to win a table of 10 for the GT145 Ball. Only $30 per ticket, with a total prize value of more than $2000.  The winner will be drawn on Tuesday 10 March. Tickets for the raffle are available now via College Events. https://www.trybooking.com/boo...

For families new to Terrace, this event is held every five years and is always a night to remember.  This year’s Ball will focus on the Terrace Family and our College’s long history of sending Terrace Gentlemen into the world to make their mark. Gather your table of 10 today prior to tickets going on sale.

Years 5 – 9 Mothers' High Tea

Planning is well underway for the Years 5-9 Mothers’ High Tea event to be held on 1 May at the Victoria Park Golf Club. Tickets are $55 each, which include a complimentary glass of bubbles on arrival and your chance to win the wonderful main lucky door prize or one of the lucky draw prizes for each of the five year levels coming on the day. More details on the prizes will be coming over the following weeks, with invitations being emailed before the end of term. For those who would like to linger longer, we have been able to secure the beer garden at the venue afterwards.

Terrace Cookbook and Tea Towel

For those parents new to the school, you may not be aware that Terrace has a great practical cookbook. This is a book every Terrace gentleman should not leave home without. The recipes are gathered from present and past mothers and include a huge array of family favourites. It has become a staple in many of our homes, not just for the practical aspects to what is offered inside, but also because it is truly a beautiful book. We currently have a special running on the cookbooks to mark the commencement of the year. Cookbooks are $25 each, with a current bundle offer of $30 for a cookbook and a Terrace Red and Black tea towel. Please email Kirsten Carroll on dpklcarroll@gmail.com if you would like to purchase one. Once they are gone, they are gone forever. I have a set for each of my three boys for when they move out of home.

Family Directory

There are still spaces throughout the electronic Parent Directory on the Parent Lounge.  I am sending out another reminder to parents to sign on. Please log onto the Parent Lounge, update your details and share if you are happy for others in your various year levels to contact you if the need arises (e.g. accidental bag swap, lifts to training, invitations etc). This is also crucial for our year level coordinators. If you have any queries on how to update your details on the Family Directory on the Parent Lounge, again, please email Mrs Sam Mills samtonymills@gmail.com.

TLG correspondence

If you are not on our mailing list but would like to be, please email our Secretary, Mrs Kris Siddle: terrace_ladies@outlook.com. Please also ensure that you save this email address into your contacts as it may find its way to junk mail. 

Important dates

  • Friday 6 March 12pm - Year 10 Mothers’ Lunch, Stanley Restaurant, Howard Smith Wharves Precinct  
  • Friday 6 March 7pm – Year 8 Parent/Caregiver Function, Newstead Brewery Milton  
  • Saturday 7 March 6pm – Year 7 Parent/Caregiver Function, Port Office Hotel  
  • Friday 13 March 7pm – Year 9 Parent/Caregiver Function, Alliance Hotel  • Monday 16 March 7.30am – TLG meeting, Founders’ room  
  • Friday 20 March - Year 5 Parent/Caregiver Function, The Alliance Hotel
  • Friday 1 May 10am – Years 5–9 Mothers’ High Tea, Victoria Park Golf Course  
  • Tuesday 12 May 7.30am – Past Mothers’ Mass and Morning Tea, Chapel of the Holy Family  
  • Monday 27 April 7.30am – TLG Meeting, Founders’ room 
  • Monday 1 June 7.30am – TLG Meeting, Founders’ room   
  • Saturday 6 June 7pm – GT 145 Ball, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre 
  • Monday 17 August 7.30am – TLG Meeting, Founders’ room  
  • Saturday 12 September 11am – Terrace Long Lunch, Tennyson sports fields 
  • Monday 26 October 7.30am – TLG AGM, Founders’ room


  • TLG President | Kirsten Carroll |email: dpklcarroll@gmail.com  
  • Vice President | Samantha Mills 
  • Care and Concern Coordinators | Chris Giust and Cathy Nash 
  • Vice President (Hospitality) | Holly Hohn 
  • Treasurer | Christina O’Kane 
  • Secretary | Kris Siddle