Year Level Parent Social Functions

Find all your upcoming year level parent/caregiver function details here...

Year 5 Parent/Caregiver Function

Details: Friday 20 March | 7.00 - 10.00pm
Venue: The Alliance Hotel, 320 Boundary St Spring Hill
Cost: $41 (+ booking fee) | Includes drink on arrival & canapes
RSVP: Please RSVP via the below link by 13 March
For further information or event enquiries, please contact
Nicki Dalton | | 0417 608 033

Year 11 Semi Formal Parent/Caregiver Function

Details: Monday 27 April | 6.30 - 10.00pm
Venue: Mr Percival's, Howard Smith Wharves
Cost: $46 (+ booking fee) | Includes substantial canapes. Cash bar
RSVP: Please RSVP via the below link by 23 April
For further information or event enquiries, please contact
Julia Joseph | | 0408 737 733