Director of Music | Mr Derek Rose

How music helps us cope during a crisis

One of the benefits of collective music making is that it creates a sense of belonging and participation. It not only reduces a sense of isolation, but it also brings us together with a collective spirit of ‘we will prevail'. Dr Leah Coutts

The last two weeks is a reminder of how important community can be in times of hardship and uncertainty. Within Terrace Music, we are very mindful that many families have been impacted by the recent floods and the ongoing COVID situation. The phrase we will prevail rings true in my mind when I reflect on my interactions with the boys. Dr Leah Coutts, a senior lecturer at the Queensland Conservatorium, wrote an article discussing the benefits of music in creating a sense of community and bringing people together.

In the article, Dr Coutts references the Couch Choir, an initiative of alumni student Astrid Jorgensen who has reached out to people online and created virtual choirs across the globe in the hope of bringing people together in challenging times and providing hope through song. In Ms Jorgensen’s words:

We asked the internet to stop for a moment and to sing with us, and then we saw the magic unfold. Each video was like unwrapping a beautiful, personal, virtual hug.

We hope the result gives people something to smile about.

Dr Coutts continues that music can lift our collective spirits and provide us with a distraction from the worries of the present day. Scientific studies provide evidence that music improves our mental health and wellbeing. In her words:

When we listen to music, it boosts oxytocin, which is the feel-good hormone, and elevates dopamine, which helps us to feel connected, she said.

It seems counterintuitive, but it can help us to process our emotions and to feel like we’re not going it alone.

She encourages each of us to rediscover the joy of making music and the vital role of music in our lives. Imagine the outcome if we each took a moment to listen to music!

Musicians everywhere are turning to their craft, not only to stay connected to themselves, but to bring joy, healing and connection to people everywhere. I find that so powerful and inspiring.

Years 5 and 6 Norman Clarke Music program (Classroom Music)

All students in Years 5 and 6 will sit their first performance assessment for 2022 in Week 9. Students have been informed of the repertoire required for this solo performance. Additionally, all Band students have access to the Essential Elements online platform. This is a great practice and preparation asset for the boys.

The key to success on any musical instrument is practice. These quick tips can assist you and your son:

  • Set aside time for home practice to happen, a fixed 10-minute timeslot, four days a week would see your son significantly improve. Regular practice is the key!
  • As a parent/caregiver, if you can stop and take an active interest in what your son is working towards, this can serve as a great motivation for him. This can be done in several ways, including checking their SPIRE music page, which includes outlines and goals set for each week by their teacher or asking him to practice in the same room that you are in.
  • Positive reinforcement is an excellent motivator.


A reminder that the Terrace App is used to store and disseminate information such as Event Memos for performances, Music and Speech and Drama Handbook and the weekly rehearsal schedule.

Performance and workshop notifications are sent out as a tour emailed via the Parent Lounge, and this will be used to ascertain who will be attending performances and for roll marking. I ask that you respond promptly to these notifications as we use this information, among other things, to generate rolls and book our transport (when applicable). Please keep in mind that all members of an ensemble are expected to participate in all performances. If you are declining a tour, could you also please inform the ensemble director and cc

Finally, as these notices only go out to parents and caregivers, could you please discuss the event with your son to ensure he has the details entered in his calendar. You can view the Event Memo via the Terrace App. As they become available, links to the Parent Lounge will be mentioned in this Terrace News article. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Music Department


If any students wish to discontinue the Instrumental and Speech and Drama program, written notification by parents needs to be received two weeks before the end of term (Friday 18 March).

Events | Term 1

  • Monday 4 April Anzac Marching and Pep Band Rehearsals
  • Tuesday 5 April Anzac Marching and Pep Band Rehearsals
  • Terrace Jazz Night Postponed
  • Chamber Music Concert Cancelled
  • Tuesday 19 AprilAnzac Band Rehearsal– Not proceeding

Events | Term 2

  • Monday 25 April - Anzac Marching Band
  • Wednesday 27 April - Pep Band Rehearsal
  • Saturday 30 April - Pep Band
  • 4-7 May - Senior Musical Production
  • Tuesday 24 May - TPA Meeting
  • Wednesday 25 May - Pep Band Rehearsal
  • Saturday 28 May - Pep Band
  • Saturday 4 June - Pep Band
  • Sunday 5 June - Norman Clarke Concert