
Principal’s Message | Dr Michael Carroll


Dear Members of the Terrace Family,

I begin this week’s newsletter by congratulating all those involved in the House Choir event last Friday evening.  It was a unique opportunity to perform at the Pat Rafter Arena. I am sure that all will agree that it was a tremendous night.  My thanks to Mr Matt Cocking and his team, Terrace Performing Arts and their many helpers, Mr Alan Kennedy for the Tennyson parking, the House Deans and staff, and of course the young men who performed with great enthusiasm.  Well done to all involved.

My congratulations to all students who received Academic Medals at the Academic Assembly on Tuesday.  Over 350 students (24%) received medals.  I continue to comment on the Culture of Learning that exists at Terrace.  The Academic Assembly is an excellent example of this culture.  Well done.

This weekend our Rugby, Basketball and Chess games are against Churchie.  This round also marks our Timor Friendship Day and Back to Tennyson Old Boys’ Day. There will be another large crowd present at Tennyson and I am sure it will be another great day.  Please support the Terrace Timor Network with their Timor fundraising on the day and make sure we wear our red and black to support our players.

Conor Tweedy continues to show small improvements each day.  It will be a long journey for Conor.  However, the Terrace Family will be there for him and his family.  Currently, a roster is being finalised for students who wish to visit Conor on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  Families can and will visit Conor outside of these times.  However, by being part of this visitation program we can manage the load for Conor.  He continues to be involved in his rehabilitation program, so allowing rest time for him is also most important.  At this stage Years 11 and 12 students have been involved.  In the coming weeks, the opportunity for students from other year levels to visit will be made available.

Last week the fundraising campaign for Conor Tweedy was launched.  Donations may be made through the link  Thank you for your ongoing support.

Finally this week, I encourage families to attend Winterfest on Friday evening at the College.  This event highlights the breadth of talent that exists within the Arts area of the College.  I hope to see you there.

Have a great week.

God Bless,

Dr Michael Carroll
College Principal

College Dean | Mr Chris Ryan

Staff News

This week we welcomed Mr Tony Nicita who will be with us for some time as Mrs Karyn Negus is on leave. Mr Nicita is a regular member of our relief and contract staff and we thank him for joining us and look forward to his contribution. We wish Mrs Negus well for this time. 

As explained previously, Dr Carroll will take some leave during a part of Term 4 to have a knee reconstruction. During this time, I will act as College Principal and we congratulate Mr Damien Fall who will act as College Dean and Mr Damien Cuddihy who will act as Dean of Students. We are presently facilitating a selection process for Acting Dean of Waterford.

EREA Deputy Principals' Conference

I have spent this week as a participant at the annual Edmund Rice Educational Australia Deputy Principals' Conference. This is always a professionally rewarding time to spend with peers and colleagues for reflection, consultation and learning. We chose as our theme to use the motto of the Christian Brothers, ‘Facere et Docere’ – ‘To Do and To Teach’. This is a most apt theme for 2018 as we celebrate and acknowledge 150 years since Br Patrick Ambrose Treacy and his fellow Brothers arrived in Australia, but also 150 years of faith and educational leadership of the Christian Brothers throughout our country and New Zealand. It has been an extraordinary contribution to education. For our conference, we were inspired by the informed pragmatism of the Brothers and chose to focus on the core business of doing and teaching. Our keynote speakers, workshops and rituals all came to focus on contemporary practice in leading and supporting quality teaching and learning. For our conference dinner, we had the pleasure of welcoming as our guest keynote speaker, Mr Li Cunxin, the Director of the Queensland Ballet and famously known as ‘Mao’s last dancer’. This was an inspirational address that explored the themes of an aspiration to excellence, resilience, diligence, relationships and hope. These ideas meld nicely with that of Ambrose Treacy’s original mission in 1868 and were well received by all present from throughout the extended EREA community, including the Terrace College Leadership Team who joined us for this special occasion at the Gallery of Modern Art.

Dean of Studies | Mrs Julie Quinn

House Choir

Last Friday evening’s House Choir competition was a wonderful evening for our community. The quality of each performance was outstanding and made the judges’ decisions challenging. It is always wonderful to witness the fun that boys have on this occasion, the camaraderie within the Houses is palpable on these occasions. 

Well done to our Seniors who led their Houses in the lead up to the event.

Medal assembly

On Tuesday we presented 373 medals to our boys based upon their academic achievements from Semester 1 this year. This represents just on 24%  of the community gaining either all As or one or two less A grades across all subjects. It is a testament to the work ethic of our boys and to the dedication and commitment of our staff. Through our tracking of students, we also witness many boys who have made significant improvement from Term 1 to Term 2. We also recognised the efforts and achievements of the most improved students at our medal assembly. 

Rhodes Scholar assembly

Tomorrow we will celebrate the appointment of Terrace’s 18th Rhodes Scholar Mr Damian Maher. Damian finished his Senior year in 2011 and among many other achievements received the award of Dux of the College. Damian will further his studies in Literature at Oxford later this year. Attending our celebration assembly will also be six past Rhodes Scholars and past principals of Terrace. Family members of our guests will also be present, and our assembly will conclude with a lunch at which 12 students will be seated abreast each of the Rhodes Scholars, to share their stories. We are looking forward to this special occasion.

Parent/Teacher/Student interviews

Wednesday evening was our final round of formal interviews with staff, parents and students. Again, I thank parents for their support in building a partnership with us in the pursuit of excellence in our teaching and learning. Your presence in such large numbers exemplifies the commitment made to your son’s education.

Year 10 subject selection evening and process

Last Monday evening we held the subject selection presentations for our Year 10 students moving into Year 11. This cohort of students is the first cohort to move through the new QCE system involving gaining an ATAR score rather than the current OP score. Much planning has been completed by our Heads of Faculty and coordinators in preparation for this new system. Year 10 students will now meet with a Head of Faculty to review their choice of subjects. This review will be based upon all the data gained on our boys across years of both internal and external testing.

Maths competition

Congratulations to the following boys who performed so well at the recent Maths competition at Churchie.

MTC  Terrace Teams | Churchie  | 30 July 

Dean of Students | Mr Damien Fall

This week, I spent some time with friends explaining last week’s House Choir competition to them and their reaction was one of bewilderment.  On reflection, their response was understandable.  The idea that the vast majority of our 1600+ adolescent male students would voluntarily turn up on a Friday night to take part in a competition that involves singing and dancing would probably be hard to comprehend – unless you are part of our community and understand how important such events are.  I have said before that House Choir is our biggest community event and last week was no exception, the Pat Rafter Arena only added to the spectacle.  It was a fantastic event and I thank the large number of people who worked so hard to bring it all together.  In particular, I would like to acknowledge our House Deans who have endured the stress of putting together the worthy performances on the evening.  The final product was outstanding, and the Deans deserve praise for their efforts to make the night such a success.  Congratulations to Buckley House for taking out the trophy, but the night is about so much more than winning.  Friday night should make us all feel proud to be a part of this community.

The middle block of this term is especially busy for our Seniors.  The QCS test is fast approaching and next week sees them completing two full days of practice, before the Senior Formal on Tuesday evening.  It is a particularly busy time with the load of assignments and exam preparation rapidly building.  We have been very pleased with the progress of our Senior cohort and we wish them well over the coming weeks.  They have the full support of our community as they go about making the most of their time.

We return to Tennyson for Rugby on Saturday and I would like to commend our students for the way they have presented and conducted themselves across all GPS activities in recent weeks, whether playing or spectating.  We would like to continue the trend this weekend, so a reminder about our expectation:

  • We ask that all students supporting at Chess, Basketball or Rugby at Firsts level, are attired in their full College uniform, with a white shirt, regardless of their year level.  The Akubra is not required, and the red Terrace cap may be worn instead.
  • Students who have played previously are asked to change into their academic uniform, including white shirt, before the commencement of the 1sts match.
  • Our support needs to be enthusiastic but sensible.  We ask that students direct all support towards Terrace players and not direct any comment towards referees, opposition players or supporters.

We look forward to another fabulous Winter’s day as we host Churchie and celebrate Timor Friendship Day.  Best wishes to all in the Terrace Family.

Assistant Dean of Identity | Mr Chris Zammit

Last week, 47 young men from Year 12 took part in the final Kairos Retreat for 2018. Throughout the year 187 Senior students accepted the invitation to participate in this unique opportunity to reflect on their journey so far and make commitments to themselves and each other about the journey ahead. The word ‘Kairos’ is the Greek word for God’s time and is an important reminder that each of us need to take time away from the busyness of day-to-day life to ask the important questions; to ‘sharpen the saw’ and build a greater level of self-awareness in order to move forward and to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.

Our final Year 8 Emmaus Retreat was also held at Maroon, where each Year 8 student had an opportunity to reflect on the people with whom they walk their journey and acknowledge the part that others play in their lives. It was also a chance to recognise the qualities and attributes that we aspire to replicate - break apart the concept of masculinity and name the many ways we can be people who walk alongside others when called to do so.

This week we commence our Year 9 camp and retreat experiences where students will reflect on the passage in Micah; ‘to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God,’ and what it means to be uncommon men in our world today.

I would like to thank all those who have been involved in our continued busy retreat program throughout the year; to Mr Paul Antenucci, Mr Andrew Stormonth, Mr Anthony Baruksopulou, Br Damien Price, Mrs Louise Cosgrove, Mr Anthony O’Shea, Mrs Susan Hinton, Mr David Mandel, Mrs Bronwyn Platz, and all of our House Deans, along with the talented team of Peer Ministers, for guiding our young men towards being true Terrace Gentlemen.

Every blessing for the journey ahead.

Years 5 and 6 Program Leader | Mr Brendan Ganley

Week 4 was such an exciting week for the College as we celebrated students receiving a record number of academic medals, not just for outstanding results but for those students from their respective year levels who had made the most improvement in their studies. These two weeks have also been an opportunity for Parent/Teacher/Student mentoring to take place. Mentoring is a significant component of the pastoral system for our young men at Terrace. Through all year levels, academic mentoring took focus. Tutors and class teachers have taken the time to work through each student’s results and to plan ahead with strategies for individual progress in mind. This mentoring has extended to the interviews in the Campbell Centre with class teachers.

This particular mentoring exercise may have been specifically academic focussed but personal supervision in all areas of school life for young men takes place each and every day and is a special feature of the Terrace community. From Edutopia it is argued that ‘mentoring is best when it is early and often’. The culture embedded in Terrace is that there is constant communication with our young men to provide them with the skills and knowledge for the days and years to come. These skills may be in the classroom, the school yard or even in our interactions on the sporting field. 

The building of positive friendships in the early years at Terrace is another important focus. At times, we would wonder how to begin and foster friendships. It is argued that the most important part of developing friendships is by being a good listener. Having the ability to take the time to listen to someone can be the beginnings of a friendship. To develop this friendship, and often checking to see how someone is travelling is also important. These can be very difficult aspects to practise, yet at Terrace where you could spend almost five to eight years together, the formation of good friendships is vital. Just by listening to someone could be the difference to someone listening to you.

Director of Culture | Mr Matt Cocking

House Choir – wrap up

Congratulations to the students, Captains, Tutors and House Deans in our winning Houses of Buckley (House Choir Cup) and Mahoney (People’s Choice Shield). We thank all of the students and parents for a fantastic evening of fun.

Term 3 is an exceptionally busy term and so it was very encouraging to see the Terrace community filling the Pat Rafter Arena.  Thank you to everyone who witnessed the start of something new.

Our appreciation is also extended to the Terrace Performing Arts group who worked tirelessly behind the scenes.

GPS Chess on top of the ladder

Our Premier Chess team are placed well after winning all three of their rounds in GPS Chess.  This week will be a test of their skill as they play Churchie at home.  This is a strong team and so Chess Captain Hughston Parle is calling for #redandblack support.  A supporter BBQ will be held prior to the round.

Eight of our Chess players competed in the interschool Chess competition at Churchie during the week.  Well done to these young men for the exemplary way in which they represented our College.  The premier team placed second and now qualify for the State finals! Hughston placed first in the Premier division individual award.

Our Open As also had a good day and came second overall.  Alex Ong received a merit award, winning six out of seven games. The State Finals will be held at Terrace on the weekend of 20-21 October.

Debating – QDU 

Six Terrace Teams competed in the second round of the QDU finals last week. Results were:
• 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 won their debates
• 10.1 won, unfortunately 10.2 lost
• 11.2 won 

At the time of preparing this article not all the results are in. However, they will be posted to our social media pages and updated here next week.

Our Year 7 QDU debaters had performed well with 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 teams all winning.  Commiserations to the 7.4 and 7.5 teams. Thank you for your commitment and we look forward to having you debate in 2019.


The winning streak continues with our Senior 2 team also winning through to the semi finals after Monday night’s competition. 
The semi final rounds will be held at Waterford Place on Tuesday 28 August at 7pm and St Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe on Thursday 30 August at 7pm.  With two teams competing, an audience filled with Terracians will surely lift the Theatresports teams.


It has been a big week, well done to the 33 boys who represented Terrace at the Junior GPS Day of Excellence, the String players who performed at the String Showcase and our percussionists and drumline who competed in the Australian Percussion Eisteddfod with our drumline coming third in two categories of this national competition. Also, well done to Clancy Gundrum who placed third in the Drumline Snare Drum solo competition.

Support Group Meetings  

Part of the success of our Cultural activities can be traced to our support groups.  If you would like to be involved, meetings are outlined in the College calendar and on the App.  

Terrace Performing Arts – Tuesday 4 September, 5.30pm in the Callan Centre 
Debating Support Group – Tuesday 4 September, 5.30pm in the Founders’ Room

Staying in touch  

To keep in touch with all things Cultural, we would suggest you download the Terrace App and follow us on Twitter (@GTCulture) and Instagram (terrace_gtculture) to ensure you don’t miss anything.

Director of Music | Acting Director, Mr Jan Hewerdine

Congratulations to the Red Thunder Drumline and the First Percussion Ensemble who competed in the Australian Drumline Eisteddfod at Coomera last Friday and Sunday. Well done in particular to the RTD who placed third in their section!

The College’s House Choir Night at the Pat Rafter Arena was an absolute smash hit!
Congratulations all and a big thank you to all supporters and families for getting behind this.

Congratulations also to the Waterford String Quartet, under the direction of Ms Amy Phillips, who performed on Tuesday’s College assembly for the medal presentations.  Assembly next week will be held on Thursday. This will be a Music presentation assembly. 

On Tuesday, 33 of our younger musicians represented Terrace at the GPS Music Day of Excellence (Years 5-7) which took place at Nudgee College. This was an exciting and inspiring experience for our younger players. The standard was uniformly high across all three groups and made for a great night’s entertainment.

Yesterday morning was the SWE’s last rehearsal before QCMF (public holiday next Wednesday). For this final rehearsal, we invited the French Studies staff, visiting French exchange students and their host families’ students to the rehearsal.  We wrapped this session up with a Daft Punk medley.

Thank you to all who attended the Strings Showcase Concert last night. The boys are to be congratulated on their performance and thank you to Mrs Kelly and the string teachers for their efforts in preparing the evening.

On this Saturday 11 August 1-3.05pm the Red Thunder Drumline is performing at the Rugby v ACGS, at Tennyson.

All our ensembles are focusing on preparations for the Queensland Catholic Schools and Colleges Music Festival (QCMF) which will take place at Villanova College from Thursday 16 August through to Sunday 19 August. This is our “grand final” event for music and as such, it is expected that these performances take priority. Please ensure that music is being practised at home and that rehearsals are regularly attended. Parent Lounge notifications and Event Memos have been posted quite some time back. We would appreciate prompt responses to assist us in the logistical preparations for such a large event. 

For Year 12 students considering applying to the Conservatorium for tertiary entrance in 2019, please note: Applications for audition and admission are made through the Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC). Pay your audition fee(s) ($50 per instrument/specialisation) through GriffithPAY.

Key Tertiary dates

• Applications opened on 2 August 2018
• Applications close on 24 August 2018
• Audition Dates: 2-6 October 2018
Click here to register your contact details to receive reminders of key dates.

Talkin’ Jazz are holding regular performance workshops, for interested students, at the Brisbane Jazz Club. This is always an exciting opportunity for those who have a strong grasp of their instrument and are interested in learning more about jazz. More information can be found by clicking Talking Jazz

Please regularly check the Terrace App and Parent Lounge as this is where information regarding various events (see the list below) will now be published. As events are approved and posted to the Parent Lounge, you will be sent an email advising the name of the event, including the Event Memo, to check and you will be required to give a response regarding attendance. Event Memos will also be available through the Terrace App in Culture|Music.

Term 3 Events

• Red Thunder Drumline, Rugby GT v ACGS, Saturday 11 August 1-3.05pm, Tennyson Playing Fields
• Music Presentation Assembly, Thursday 16 August, Campbell Centre
• QCMF, Thursday 16 August – Sunday 19 August, Villanova College
• Year 5 Orientation 30 August 3-7pm
• Year 7 Orientation 6 September 3-7pm
• Red Thunder Drumline, Rugby GT v IGS, Saturday 8 September 1-3.05pm, Tennyson Playing Fields
• AMEB Brass Clinic 24 September

Terrace Library

Director of Sport | Mr Damian Wright

We are three weeks into the Rugby and Basketball season and I hope all boys are enjoying themselves. A third of each season has passed by and now is a great time to refocus and reset yourselves for maintaining and improving your personal and team performances.

The next three-week block will witness Terrace playing Churchie, Brisbane Grammar and The Southport School. These three schools will provide some depth to our programs and good opposition for the boys. Two home fixtures followed by an away fixture, a timely reminder that travelling to TSS is an expectation of your commitment, as is playing away to TGS in the last round. Start to plan and factor in that we will travel that final round, Round 9 to Toowoomba.

I have been pleased with the appearance of the boys and their commitment to the correct uniform in game situations on a Saturday. You should wear your uniform with pride. This transfers over to the great support for the 1st V and the 1st XV respectively, wearing correct uniform – a sea of red and black.

This week I spoke to an age level regarding the need to maintain a level of sportsmanship in the face of adversity. Dr Carroll started the term stating that he expected firm but fair play, always representing the College with the best of sportsmanship on show. It has been a good year so far in that regard. Boys need to maintain these standards and ensure that they perform and display the best of sportsmanship. In talking to the boys, I referred to two Rugby League players; one a good sportsman that they should consider role modelling themselves upon, Johnathon Thurston a great Queenslander, and another from a Sydney club who constantly belittles his opposition and argues with the referee, I won’t mention his name except to say that he plays for the Sharks. Safe to say the boys knew what I was talking about and got the message:  Be remembered, not by the score line but by the sportsmanship that you display.

It would be great if all Basketballers stayed behind on Saturday and supported the 1st V Basketball team in a very important game at Spring Hill. This team is a very good team that needs your support.

At Tennyson the Terrace 1st XV will look to make it two on the trot in defeating their across town East Brisbane rivals.  

Terrow Rowing Support Group Meeting

All parents and caregivers are invited to attend the next Terrow Support Group meeting on Tuesday 21 August, 5.30pm Callan Centre staff room at Terrace.  If you are interested in being involved in the upcoming Rowing season, please attend this meeting if possible.  


Round 5 v BGS - Pride of the Program Round - On this day:  You play, You stay, You support.

The Weekly Wrap

Rugby Wrap

As we head towards the half way mark of the season I would like to congratulate all teams and coaches for their commitment to date. Last weekend was a test of our playing depth and width with teams playing far and wide. A special thanks to our age group coordinators Mr Blair Copelin and Mr Brendan McGrath who managed to juggle teams lists to ensure we had enough boys to fulfil our commitments to the supplementary draw. 

It is pleasing to see the continual improvement of all teams as the season progresses. The willingness to shift the ball to space and use the width of the field was evident with plenty of entertaining tries from all parts of the fields. 

Once again, I must thank our referees for their efforts each weekend. Special thanks go to our student referees who are always willing to referee games each weekend. Refereeing is a great way for parents to be involved so if you are a dad or mum with referring experience and want to be involved please contact me in the Sport Office.

Congratulations to the following boys who represented Met Nth teams at the recent Under 12 State Carnival, George Lum (Year 7) and Tom Robinson (Year 7).

A weekly Terrace Team Man is selected by the coaching staff during the GPS season. This is in recognition of any player who makes an outstanding contribution to their team both at training and in a game. 

An important reminder that training is not optional, if your son is unable to make training he is required to let his age group coordinator know. 

I wish every team all the very best for their games this weekend against ACGS.

Key Dates Looking Ahead

August 11 - GT v ACGS Home
August 18  - GT v BGS - Home (Rugby team photo day - times TBA)
August 25 - GT v TSS- Away
September 1 - GT v Downlands College - Home
September 8 - GT v IGS – Home 
September 15 - GT v TGS - Away

Captains’ Corner | Vice Captain, Will Roach

As we come to the end of Week 4 of Term 3, I am just now beginning to realise that for the Senior class, our time at Terrace is coming extremely close to finishing. It may not seem it at first, but when you consider that there are only four weeks left of this teaching term and a mere four weeks next term, it makes me think about our Terrace journey so far and what legacy we want to leave. Already there have been many key events that have shaped our cohort, such as at the beginning of the year with our unrivalled support at GPS athletics, or our 1000-man crowd that stood Shoulder to Shoulder a couple of weeks ago when we played Nudgee at Tennyson. We have had some great moments, and I really hope there are many still to come. Although we have had our fair share of hiccups, overall I am happy with what we have achieved as a year group, and the legacy that is forming. 

We often talk about the number of boys that were out at the Rugby on Saturday, or how good the support was at the Basketball, yet the thing that often goes unnoticed is the support away from the sporting arena. It is so evident within our community, and it is something that is essential in moving forward together. Whether it is asking a mate if he needs a hand with an assignment or encouraging someone to give it a crack in the next QCS workshop, the impact of such small actions makes a difference. This middle part of the term is what makes or breaks academic results. It is easy to come out firing at the beginning of the term, but as Mrs Quinn says so often, the schooling term is a marathon, not a sprint. Chipping away at work night by night is absolutely essential to reduce stress at the back end of the term when exam block approaches. Get on top of assignments early, work away at revision, and most importantly get some good sleep. 

Good luck to everyone playing Rugby, Chess or Basketball on the weekend. Go hard!

Terrace Performing Arts

When we do things at Terrace we like to do them with style and a sense of 'wow that was good’. Friday night’s 2018 House Choir night at the Pat Rafter Arena was no exception. Wow that was good! 

 A new high has been set and the feedback around the atmosphere created by everyone being in the one venue to be seated was very positive as was the feedback on the ease of access, whether it was by train, car or by foot. 

The boys were able to walk the halls lined with photos of the tennis greats, a place where most of us have never been or will never get a chance to go. There is always an air of nervousness around taking a successful event to a new an unknown venue and we learnt some things, but overall it was a huge success on many levels. I would like to thank all the Terrace Family volunteers without whom none of our events would get off the ground. We put out a call for help and help we got. Thank you. Also, a huge thanks to our College staff and student leaders who support this event every year. In our family it is touted as the main event of the year not to be missed. Now the dust is settling we look forward to our next event in Term 4, the Terrace Jazz Night. This year Jazz night will be with a difference, stay tuned in the coming weeks for more details.

The Terrace Family

We pray for Conor Tweedy and his family who are going through this challenging time.

We pray for the those in the Terrace Family who are unwell:

Br Fergus GAGEN

We pray for the families of the following members of our Terrace Family who have gone to their eternal rest:

Mr Thomas Kerry BROWN - GT, 1951-55

May they be consoled by their many memories of those they have loved and lost.

Terrace Shop

Opening Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 7.30am to 3.45pm during term time (closed for lunch from noon to 12.35pm). Online orders via Flexischools can be collected during these times by students or parents. See current specials below.

GTOBA tie | $55

GTOBA heritage rugby jerseys (2XL, 3XL & 4XL) | $70

Terrace/Nudgee Rugby caps | $25 (cash only)


Find all your Term 3 Terrace Family event details here...

Winterfest | Book Here

Date and Time: Friday 7 September | 11.30am - 3.30pm
Where: Brisbane City Hall | 64 Adelaide St Brisbane
Cost: $150 (+ booking fees) | Includes drink on arrival, two course lunch and a glass of wine, automatic entry into our super raffle for a Hyundai hatchback, raffle prizes, James Street fashion parade and bus transport to after party at Cloudland.
RSVP: Please RSVP by Wednesday 29 August or before tickets sell out!
For further information or enquires, please contact
Jo Evans | | 0418 287 395

Terralicious '18 | Book Here

Date and Time: Tuesday 21 August| 5.30pm
Where: Callan Centre Staff Room (off Victoria Street) | Gregory Terrace
All parents and caregivers are invited to attend the next Terrow Support Group meeting.  If you are interested in being involved in the upcoming Rowing season, please attend this meeting if possible.  

The Terrace Family are invited to attend the annual dinner in support of the Edmund Rice Foundation.
Date and Time: Friday 24 August | 6.30pm Welcome Drinks
Where: The Royal International Convention Centre | RNA Showgrounds, Brisbane 
Cost: $175 per person, $1650 for a table of 10, $5000 for a corporate sponsor table
MCs: Jillian Whiting and Bill McDonald
Entertainment: The Manilows...wear your dancing shoes!

ERFA Gala Dinner | Book Here

Only 250 tickets will be sold!
Prize: Hyundai i30 Go RRP $20,990
Cost: $100 a ticket | Purchase from the Finance Office or at Tennyson in Term 3
Drawn: 8 September at Tennyson | GT v IGS Game

Save the date - booking details to follow!
Date and Time: Sunday 16 September | 12pm - 3pm
Where: Terrace Staff Car park & The Campbell Centre
For further details or enquiries, please contact 
Angela Papacostas | | 0411 749 044

Date and Time: Thursday 20 September | 6.30pm
Where: Wests Rugby Club, 65 Sylvan Road Toowong
Cost: Adults $67 (+ booking fees) | Includes 2 course meal & drink on arrival
Students $31 (+ booking fees) | Includes 2 course meal & soft drinks
RSVP: Please RSVP via College Events by Friday 14 September
For further details or enquiries, please contact:
Helen Kirk | | 0402 163 000

Opens' Rugby Celebration | Book Here

All North American based Terrace Old Boys are warmly invited to attend this special network in the USA!
Details: Sunday 30 September | 12pm - 3pm | The Waterbar Restaurant, San Francisco
Saturday 6 October | 5pm - 9pm | The Australian Hotel, New York
RSVP: Please RSVP your interest to attend to Lea Walker-Franks |


The cookbook every Terrace Family should own a copy of is available for sale at the Terrace Shop. 
This hard cover, full colour cookbook is full of beautiful historical photographs from Terrace's rich history, as well as great family favourite recipes. This is the cookbook you will use time and time again.
Details: For sale now at the Terrace Shop
Cost: $55 
For further information or enquiries, please contact
Leisa Low |

The Terrace Family are warmly invited to visit this exhibition in the Founders' Room from Tuesday 8 May celebrating the Christian Brothers.

Year Level Parent Social Functions

Find all your Term 3 year level details here...

Year 8 Parent Function

Date and Time: Saturday 18 August | 7pm - 11pm   
Where: Foxy Bean | 896 Stanley St East, East Brisbane  
Cost: $41.50 (+ booking fees) | Includes canapés & drink on arrival.   
RSVP: Please RSVP via College Events by Friday 10 August  
For further details or enquiries, please contact:   
Carol Millington | | 0401 595 791

Year 8 Parent Function | Book Here

Year 12 QCS Lunch Donations

We are seeking cash donations and assistance to provide and serve lunch to the boys on QCS days.  
Details: Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 September 
Where: Campbell Centre, Gregory Terrace
Cost: $30 (+ booking fees) to donate towards providing lunch for the Seniors
RSVP: Please use the links below to donate money towards providing lunch, or sign on to volunteer on the day.
For further details or enquiries, please contact
Nicole Hoffmann | | 0417 793 583

Cash Donation | Link HereVolunteer | Link Here

Community Information