Captains’ Corner | Vice Captain, Will Roach
As we come to the end of Week 4 of Term 3, I am just now beginning to realise that for the Senior class, our time at Terrace is coming extremely close to finishing. It may not seem it at first, but when you consider that there are only four weeks left of this teaching term and a mere four weeks next term, it makes me think about our Terrace journey so far and what legacy we want to leave. Already there have been many key events that have shaped our cohort, such as at the beginning of the year with our unrivalled support at GPS athletics, or our 1000-man crowd that stood Shoulder to Shoulder a couple of weeks ago when we played Nudgee at Tennyson. We have had some great moments, and I really hope there are many still to come. Although we have had our fair share of hiccups, overall I am happy with what we have achieved as a year group, and the legacy that is forming.
We often talk about the number of boys that were out at the Rugby on Saturday, or how good the support was at the Basketball, yet the thing that often goes unnoticed is the support away from the sporting arena. It is so evident within our community, and it is something that is essential in moving forward together. Whether it is asking a mate if he needs a hand with an assignment or encouraging someone to give it a crack in the next QCS workshop, the impact of such small actions makes a difference. This middle part of the term is what makes or breaks academic results. It is easy to come out firing at the beginning of the term, but as Mrs Quinn says so often, the schooling term is a marathon, not a sprint. Chipping away at work night by night is absolutely essential to reduce stress at the back end of the term when exam block approaches. Get on top of assignments early, work away at revision, and most importantly get some good sleep.
Good luck to everyone playing Rugby, Chess or Basketball on the weekend. Go hard!