Assistant Dean of Identity | Mr Chris Zammit
Last week, 47 young men from Year 12 took part in the final Kairos Retreat for 2018. Throughout the year 187 Senior students accepted the invitation to participate in this unique opportunity to reflect on their journey so far and make commitments to themselves and each other about the journey ahead. The word ‘Kairos’ is the Greek word for God’s time and is an important reminder that each of us need to take time away from the busyness of day-to-day life to ask the important questions; to ‘sharpen the saw’ and build a greater level of self-awareness in order to move forward and to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.
Our final Year 8 Emmaus Retreat was also held at Maroon, where each Year 8 student had an opportunity to reflect on the people with whom they walk their journey and acknowledge the part that others play in their lives. It was also a chance to recognise the qualities and attributes that we aspire to replicate - break apart the concept of masculinity and name the many ways we can be people who walk alongside others when called to do so.
This week we commence our Year 9 camp and retreat experiences where students will reflect on the passage in Micah; ‘to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God,’ and what it means to be uncommon men in our world today.
I would like to thank all those who have been involved in our continued busy retreat program throughout the year; to Mr Paul Antenucci, Mr Andrew Stormonth, Mr Anthony Baruksopulou, Br Damien Price, Mrs Louise Cosgrove, Mr Anthony O’Shea, Mrs Susan Hinton, Mr David Mandel, Mrs Bronwyn Platz, and all of our House Deans, along with the talented team of Peer Ministers, for guiding our young men towards being true Terrace Gentlemen.
Every blessing for the journey ahead.