Dean of Studies | Mrs Julie Quinn
House Choir
Last Friday evening’s House Choir competition was a wonderful evening for our community. The quality of each performance was outstanding and made the judges’ decisions challenging. It is always wonderful to witness the fun that boys have on this occasion, the camaraderie within the Houses is palpable on these occasions.
Well done to our Seniors who led their Houses in the lead up to the event.
Medal assembly
On Tuesday we presented 373 medals to our boys based upon their academic achievements from Semester 1 this year. This represents just on 24% of the community gaining either all As or one or two less A grades across all subjects. It is a testament to the work ethic of our boys and to the dedication and commitment of our staff. Through our tracking of students, we also witness many boys who have made significant improvement from Term 1 to Term 2. We also recognised the efforts and achievements of the most improved students at our medal assembly.
Rhodes Scholar assembly
Tomorrow we will celebrate the appointment of Terrace’s 18th Rhodes Scholar Mr Damian Maher. Damian finished his Senior year in 2011 and among many other achievements received the award of Dux of the College. Damian will further his studies in Literature at Oxford later this year. Attending our celebration assembly will also be six past Rhodes Scholars and past principals of Terrace. Family members of our guests will also be present, and our assembly will conclude with a lunch at which 12 students will be seated abreast each of the Rhodes Scholars, to share their stories. We are looking forward to this special occasion.
Parent/Teacher/Student interviews
Wednesday evening was our final round of formal interviews with staff, parents and students. Again, I thank parents for their support in building a partnership with us in the pursuit of excellence in our teaching and learning. Your presence in such large numbers exemplifies the commitment made to your son’s education.
Year 10 subject selection evening and process
Last Monday evening we held the subject selection presentations for our Year 10 students moving into Year 11. This cohort of students is the first cohort to move through the new QCE system involving gaining an ATAR score rather than the current OP score. Much planning has been completed by our Heads of Faculty and coordinators in preparation for this new system. Year 10 students will now meet with a Head of Faculty to review their choice of subjects. This review will be based upon all the data gained on our boys across years of both internal and external testing.
Maths competition
Congratulations to the following boys who performed so well at the recent Maths competition at Churchie.