Principal’s Message | Dr Michael Carroll


Dear Members of the Terrace Family,

I begin this week’s newsletter by congratulating all those involved in the House Choir event last Friday evening.  It was a unique opportunity to perform at the Pat Rafter Arena. I am sure that all will agree that it was a tremendous night.  My thanks to Mr Matt Cocking and his team, Terrace Performing Arts and their many helpers, Mr Alan Kennedy for the Tennyson parking, the House Deans and staff, and of course the young men who performed with great enthusiasm.  Well done to all involved.

My congratulations to all students who received Academic Medals at the Academic Assembly on Tuesday.  Over 350 students (24%) received medals.  I continue to comment on the Culture of Learning that exists at Terrace.  The Academic Assembly is an excellent example of this culture.  Well done.

This weekend our Rugby, Basketball and Chess games are against Churchie.  This round also marks our Timor Friendship Day and Back to Tennyson Old Boys’ Day. There will be another large crowd present at Tennyson and I am sure it will be another great day.  Please support the Terrace Timor Network with their Timor fundraising on the day and make sure we wear our red and black to support our players.

Conor Tweedy continues to show small improvements each day.  It will be a long journey for Conor.  However, the Terrace Family will be there for him and his family.  Currently, a roster is being finalised for students who wish to visit Conor on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  Families can and will visit Conor outside of these times.  However, by being part of this visitation program we can manage the load for Conor.  He continues to be involved in his rehabilitation program, so allowing rest time for him is also most important.  At this stage Years 11 and 12 students have been involved.  In the coming weeks, the opportunity for students from other year levels to visit will be made available.

Last week the fundraising campaign for Conor Tweedy was launched.  Donations may be made through the link  Thank you for your ongoing support.

Finally this week, I encourage families to attend Winterfest on Friday evening at the College.  This event highlights the breadth of talent that exists within the Arts area of the College.  I hope to see you there.

Have a great week.

God Bless,

Dr Michael Carroll
College Principal