Terrace Performing Arts
When we do things at Terrace we like to do them with style and a sense of 'wow that was good’. Friday night’s 2018 House Choir night at the Pat Rafter Arena was no exception. Wow that was good!
A new high has been set and the feedback around the atmosphere created by everyone being in the one venue to be seated was very positive as was the feedback on the ease of access, whether it was by train, car or by foot.
The boys were able to walk the halls lined with photos of the tennis greats, a place where most of us have never been or will never get a chance to go. There is always an air of nervousness around taking a successful event to a new an unknown venue and we learnt some things, but overall it was a huge success on many levels. I would like to thank all the Terrace Family volunteers without whom none of our events would get off the ground. We put out a call for help and help we got. Thank you. Also, a huge thanks to our College staff and student leaders who support this event every year. In our family it is touted as the main event of the year not to be missed. Now the dust is settling we look forward to our next event in Term 4, the Terrace Jazz Night. This year Jazz night will be with a difference, stay tuned in the coming weeks for more details.