Communication @ Terrace
To stay up to date with all College activities and events, and support the academic progress of students, there are several communication channels for members of the Terrace Family.
Terrace App (SPIRE)
SPIRE, accessible via a smartphone app, is the main source of communication to parents, including tailored information for due work, timetable, assessment calendar and co-curricular information, general announcements, reminders, event details, and links to all College online services. An absentee tab provides an easy way to notify the College if your son is absent.
The app is password protected. All families should download the app via Google Play or the Apple App Store (search for 'St Joseph's College, GT')
Parent Lounge
Parent Lounge is password protected. Login information is supplied to families later this year.
Parent Lounge is the central communication tool for information specific to your family and son/s. It is the place to locate your son's individual report cards, medical details, school fee statements and where to approve excursions. Bookings for parent/teacher interviews are made via Parent Lounge.
For assistance with Parent Lounge contact
Terrace Family Directory
The Terrace Family Directory enables members of the Terrace community to easily contact each other. Individual contact details are included in the Directory via an ‘opt-in’ process in Parent Lounge. New parents and caregivers can opt in once access to Parent Lounge is provided. Current Terrace parents and caregivers can select to include their contact details anytime. It is an expectation that members of the Terrace Family use this information appropriately and respectfully.
Contacting Staff Members
Teaching commitments may make it difficult for teaching staff to be contacted during the day. It is therefore recommended that parents/caregivers send an email - - requesting that teachers make contact with them. Alternatively, a message can be left on the staff member’s voicemail – contact the main switchboard at the College (3214 5200). For non-urgent matters, parents/caregivers may wish to contact Student Services via email:
The College attempts to limit email communication by using College App notices. However, email is a form of communication at the College. Parents and caregivers are reminded to regularly update their email contact details via Parent Lounge.
College Calendar
Each year the College publishes a hard copy Calendar that is distributed during the first week of term via your son's PC Group. A ‘live’ version of the calendar is also hosted in Parent Lounge, on the College website here and through the College App. The digital calendar is typically available from mid-January.
Social Media
FACEBOOK Like us at - StJosephsCollegeGregoryTerrace
INSTAGRAM Follow us at - @stjosephscollegeterrace and @GTEvents1875 (Terrace Family events)
TIKTOK Follow us at - @stjosephscollegegt
The College also has several additional Instagram accounts for sharing the successes of individual activities.
The Terracian
The Terracian is published thrice yearly and highlights important Terrace programs, Old Boys' events and stories and activities within the broader community. It is also available on the Terrace website here.
The Touchstone - Weekly News
The College emails The Touchstone to all families weekly on a Thursday afternoon. The Touchstone includes news and articles from the College Principal, College Captains and staff at the College. The articles provide a snapshot of life at the College and are a great way to stay connected.
Support Groups
The College has a range of Support Groups that parents/caregivers are welcome to join. These groups are designed to support the College and its activities. They assist in providing operational support for a range of co-curricular activities. The Support Group Committees meet during the year and are particularly important during the respective seasons. They provide an excellent forum for parents and caregivers to be involved in their son’s journey at Terrace. The Support Groups and current Presidents/Chairs can be found here.